Permitted Development

In 2008, a ‘General Permitted Development Order’ (GPDO 2008) was introduced. This allowed homeowners to carry out certain building works under ‘Permitted Development’ without the need to obtain planning permission. Legally, you do not need to apply to the council for permission for these types of works as long as they satisfy the required criteria. The GDPO 2008 guidelines do not apply to all properties. We advise that you check with your local authority prior to carrying out any work on your property. Your development must also satisfy certain criteria in order for it to fall within permitted development guidelines.

Loft Conversion Criteria

– Loft conversions are not considered lawful under permitted development for houses on the designated land. Designated land includes national parks, areas of outstanding beauty, conservation areas and world heritage sites.

  • – To be considered permitted development, any additional roof space created must not surpass the following volume allowances.

40 cubic meters for terraced properties

50 cubic meters for detached and semi-detached properties

You must also take into consideration that any previous roof additions must be included in the above-mentioned volume allowances.

– An extension beyond the plane of the existing roof slope of the principal elevation that fronts a highway is not considered lawful under permitted development.

  • – External materials need to be similar in appearance to the existing property.
  • – Verandas, Balconies or raised platforms are not considered lawful under permitted development.
  • – Any side facing windows must be obscured glazed and non-opening unless the parts which can be opened are more than 1.7 meters beyond the floor of the room in which it is installed.
  • – Rear roof extensions must be set back as far as practicable and at least 20cm from the rear eaves.
  • – Roof extensions must not exceed the original ridge line of the property.

Please note, work on a loft or a roof may affect bats. Protected specifies need to be considered when planning work of this type. A survey may be needed and if bats are residing in the building a license may be required. 

If you are thinking of having a loft conversion in Surrey, Hampshire or South West London and would like more information please contact SkyLofts on 01252 500 872 or email